New Brunswick Craft Brewers Association

Beer Recipes and Food => All Grain => 22 - Smoke-Flavored and Wood-Aged Beer => Topic started by: jamie_savoie on January 12, 2014, 01:58:37 PM

Title: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: jamie_savoie on January 12, 2014, 01:58:37 PM
Recipe from BCS.  Used different hops since I didn't have any EKG and also didn't have crystal 80 so I used a mix of cara60/cara120 instead

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size (Gal): 12.00
Total Grain (Lbs): 29.50
Estimated OG: 1.066
Anticipated SRM: 37.1
Anticipated IBU: 38.2 IBUs
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75 %
Wort Boil Time: 60 Minutes

27.1% (8 lbs) - 2 row
23.7% (7 lbs) - Maris Otter
20.3% (6 lbs) - Smoked Malt
6.8% (2 lbs) - Munich
6.8% (2 lbs) - Cara 40
5.1% (1.5 lbs) - Chocolate Malt
3.4% (1 lbs) - Cara 60
3.4% (1 lbs) - Cara 120
3.4% (1 lbs) - Black Malt

1.25 oz Bravo @ 60 min
1.25 oz Willamette @ 30 min
1.25 oz Willamette @ 15 min
1.25 oz Willamette @ 0 min


Mash Schedule
Sacch Rest - 60 min @ 154F
Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: JohnQ on January 12, 2014, 02:22:12 PM
Wow, that is a metric shit ton of smoked malt!

Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: Chris Craig on January 12, 2014, 03:34:04 PM
I'm really interested to try this one. I've just never had any smoked malt, but I did like Pic's smoked porter that they brewed for Church.
Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: jamie_savoie on January 12, 2014, 05:18:35 PM
note that this is weyermann's beech smoked malt, not the peat smoked
Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: pliny on January 13, 2014, 04:27:53 PM
Thanks for clarifying Jamie - I raised my eyebrows when I read that 6lbs of smoked malt.  :o

Made a smoked porter a few months ago and I put 5oz of smoked malt.
(I guess it would equate to 12oz for a 12 gal batch)

Now I understand.
Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: jamie_savoie on January 14, 2014, 08:25:49 AM
Marc, I would really like to try yours sometimes and compare the different smoke character in our beer  8)

Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: pliny on January 15, 2014, 11:06:05 AM
That would be fun to try a couple.
I will make some of it again. It wasn't in my lineup of upcoming beers but it will be now.  :)

Jamie, did you notice the Wyeast Private Collection: Wyeast 3864-PC Canadian/Belgian Ale? For a limited time.

Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: jamie_savoie on January 15, 2014, 01:15:05 PM
Yeah I saw it but ordered some pc-hella bock instead. 

I used 3864 twice last year with ok results.  I should've experiment more with different fermentation temperature but in the 2 beers I did with it, it never got as phenolic as unibroue.  I'd like to try it again but ramping the temp up to the mid-70s. 
Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: pliny on July 25, 2014, 11:45:14 AM
Hey @jamie_savoie (;u=1182) , finally made some smoked porter last week. I don't have the recipe details here but it was made up of:
(5 gallon batch)
11 lbs Maris Otter
1.25 lbs of chocolate malt
some crystal 75 probably 8 oz
5 oz smoked malt

Hops (not shooting for a hoppy beer here of course)
Columbus 60 min
Mt. Hood 20 min

Didn't use the planned WY1968 ESB because I wasn't confident in the smell of my starter when I took a sniff during the mash. I ended up pitching the backup US-05.
The temp in my basement has been hovering 20C-21C lately. Hopefully it won't be too hot in the carboy for that yeast.
I'll let you know when it's kegged.

Haven't been brewing much lately due to various factors. The pipeline in dwindling. Planning on following your path and doing some saisons next since I think some of these yeasts have a better tolerance for the warm weather.

Title: Re: Smoked Robust Porter
Post by: jamie_savoie on July 28, 2014, 11:21:51 AM
Saison and some other Belgian strains actually work better at elevated temp (but I always pitch around 65F).  I've had some go as high as 90F+ (Dupont strain). 
As for the smoked porter, our beer will be totally different and it will be fun to compare them eventually.  Mine changed so much over the months; it seems every 2 months it became something completely different.  Young at 2 months the smoke was very subtle, at 4 months you would've thought I had drop bacon in it.  Now the smoke has taken the backseat, still there but nicely mixed with cherries and chocolate flavour.