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Better setup for draining the cooled wort?

Started by Gil Breau, October 14, 2011, 01:32:16 PM

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Gil Breau

So this, for some godawful reason, has been a growing problem, to the point last brew, I had to abandon my valve.

My Boil kettle has a valve drilled at 3" from the bottom. From that, I used a 1/2" pipe, hooked an elbow, and dropped the pipe to within 1/2" from the bottom of the pot. My thought was all the trub would settle during cooling, and the pipe would draw on top of that, leaving a 1/2" of gunk on the bottom.

That didn't work....I think it made a vacuum, sucked a lot of crap up with it. Only did it once though.

Went back to the braided hose "filter", just attached one to the bottom of the pipe already there....one of two things happen. 1) Gunk still gets through 2) The filter clogs.

Last brew, it clogged after about a litre passed through...totally useless. Had to drain with the siphon hose.

So I guess it's a multi part opinion/question:

1) I've had gunk go into the carboy either way, it doesn't seem overly harmful...some I beleive is just the whirlfloc tablet...and a 1/2" of trub on the bottom should contain most the hops anyway right? I should be able to remove that useless braided hose and go back to the direct way without much issue?

2) If not, anyone else know of DIY alternatives?
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My current setup is a siphon hose with a clamp I can use to drop it through the wort as the wort is pulled through that and a CFC. If you use irish moss, whirlpool the wort, and wait a couple of minutes before starting - you get the bulk of the trub in the center of the pot.
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I highly reccomend a hop sock, like the one here:

used in conjunction with the braided hose, I can drain the 7.5g kettle in about 30 seconds.
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