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Thank-you NBCBA!

Started by feldmann, April 05, 2019, 03:15:52 PM

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I've already told a few people but I thought I'd make a formal post here,

Unfortunately it looks like I'll be moving to Edmonton this summer. I joined this club shortly after moving here from the west coast and I didn't know a single person within 18 hours of my new home. Everyone at meetings was extremely friendly, helpful and welcoming. I strongly believe the club meetings were what helped me adjust to being so far from my friends and family so quickly. I really wanted to thank everyone for the kindness and knowledge they've shared with me since I joined the club.

My actual last day in NB won't be until June/July but I suspect things will be getting pretty busy around those points. Sometime around May/June I'm going to be setting up one last big beer meeting to try and finish up any beer left my house. I'll probably also do one last brewery tour of the area if anyone wants to tag along. Depending on how much space I have left in my truck I'll probably be looking to offload a bunch of my grain for anyone interested.

Im posting this a little early so that hopefully I get a chance to see everyone at least once more before I leave. If I don't see you in person, thanks for everything and if you're ever in Edmonton don't be afraid to pop by for a Homebrew :)


I'm sure the rest of us will agree that it's a shame to loose such a great brewer and member of the club. But life takes you on a journey and you just need to make the best of it. I hope you find a good home brew community in Edmonton. Last time I was there I found a real nice craft beer store called Sherbrooke. Great selection and top notch service.
I'm sure I'll see you at least once before you leave but I wish you all the best!


Nope, sorry.. Move is denied, lol.

Congrats on the posting. You will certainly leave a big hole in the club and this will be a loss to the local craft beer/homebrew scene.  Win for the Edmonton brewer's club for sure.

Sign me up the the brewery tour.  I'd be happy to host a "Steve Must Stay" farewell meeting at my place as well (if things get too hectic at your place in preparation for the big move). Seeing how your fist club meeting was at my pace, it would be fitting.

Thanks again for everything you have done for us  :rock:

Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


Certainly a huge loss for the club
It was a pleasure knowing you Steve and I hope you all the best on your new journey.
Also I want to thank you for the service you're doing for our country. Much respect
Hopefully I'll see you next weekend to shake your hand


Thanks everyone! It means a lot!

I found the Edmonton Homebrewers Guild which looks pretty active but their meetings are 45 minutes from where I'm planning on buying a house...would it be wrong to buy a different house because its closer to breweries/club meetings?

Two Wheeler

Aw damnit, this is a big loss for the group. Always a contributor and recently a leader of the club!
Jordan Harris


Steve very sorry to see you going out west but I'm sure it will be great for you and your family. They'll be lucky to have you out there.

I think proximity to brew stores and micros would be part of the placement requirements whenever you go. Will definitely see you if I get out west.

Best of luck! See you Saturday...
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now