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Beer advent calendar

Started by Roger, November 09, 2016, 12:16:30 PM

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Deep Space by Fabryka Piwa
- Pours black.
- 1/4" of dark tan head that quickly diapates to a 1/8" ring.
- Good carbonation.
- Aroma lots of roasty caramel notes.
- Full bodied roastyness with a bit of astringency.
- This one is a nice cold weather drink. It's a foreign extra sout I might need to try and brew one of these soon.


Biir triple IPA, Tripple Equinox IPA
- Pours a dark hazy amber colour.
- 1. 1/2" head with 1/2" hanging around.
- Aroma of caramel and dank citrus hops.
- Flavour is strong and hoppy.
- This one was more than happy to be opened... When I cracked it open the cap hit the ceiling. Very hoppy and strong. It kicking my ass right now...


Winter Saison by Brouwerij De Molen
-Pours a bright amber colour.
-1" of fluffy white head that dissipates to 1/4".
-Aroma of spice and caramel.
-Flavour is spicy with a hint of juniper and hop bitterness.
This one is quite tasty. It doesn't have as much saison character as you'd expect but very good. I have a beer from these guys in my cellar it's a flanders red called Lief & Leed. I'm really looking forward to it now...


Pukki by Browar Wasosz
- Pours a pale straw colour.
- 1/4" head that dissipates to an 1/8" ring.
- Aroma is earthy and smoky.
- Lightly carbonated and very thin.
- Flavours of smoke and wheat.
Not much to this one. It's quite interesting I've never had a Grodziskie style beer before. It's more of a warm weather beer not one I would pick after clearing a snow covered driveway. After I'm done this I think I'm gonna get into a stout or brown ale something dark and full bodied anyways.


Nogne 0 Adventurous Brown
-Pours dark hazy brown.
-1/4 head that disapates to an 1/8" ring.
-Aroma is of molasses and toasted oak.
-Flavour is distinctly molasses and some vanilla.
-Medium high carbonation.
This is the one I should have had yesterday.
Very tasty beer I'd like to clone this one and have it on tap all winter long...

Two Wheeler

Quote from: Roger on December 12, 2016, 08:20:09 PM
Pukki by Browar Wasosz
- Pours a pale straw colour.
- 1/4" head that dissipates to an 1/8" ring.
- Aroma is earthy and smoky.
- Lightly carbonated and very thin.
- Flavours of smoke and wheat.
Not much to this one. It's quite interesting I've never had a Grodziskie style beer before. It's more of a warm weather beer not one I would pick after clearing a snow covered driveway. After I'm done this I think I'm gonna get into a stout or brown ale something dark and full bodied anyways.

A buddy of mine said that this one tasted like smoked fish
Jordan Harris


I didn't get anything fishy from it but it was very one dimensional.


Quote from: Two Wheeler on December 13, 2016, 10:51:31 PM
Quote from: Roger on December 12, 2016, 08:20:09 PM
Pukki by Browar Wasosz
- Pours a pale straw colour.
- 1/4" head that dissipates to an 1/8" ring.
- Aroma is earthy and smoky.
- Lightly carbonated and very thin.
- Flavours of smoke and wheat.
Not much to this one. It's quite interesting I've never had a Grodziskie style beer before. It's more of a warm weather beer not one I would pick after clearing a snow covered driveway. After I'm done this I think I'm gonna get into a stout or brown ale something dark and full bodied anyways.

A buddy of mine said that this one tasted like smoked fish

Yeah, pretty much.


Bersalis Sourblend, Blond sour ale
-Pours a  hazy straw colour.
-1/2 head that dissipates to an 1/8" layer that hangs around.
- Aroma of fresh cut apples and pear.
- Carbonation is medium high.
- Sour and tart up front that fades rather quickly.
- Clean and refreshing finish.
I'd say this would be a great sour to get people interested in the style. It's not BAM in your face but very refreshing. Keep em coming...


OO, Imperial Baltic Porter by Pohjala
-Pours almost black.
-1/8" light brown head that disapates to a ring.
-Aroma of molasses and dark chocolate.
-Medium carbonation.
-Flavours of molasses, dark chocolate and roasted barley.
This one is a sipper at 10.5% it'll keep me warm on this frigid night...


Yeah, this one was a pint of motor oil. SWMBO had a small sip and wanted no part of it. Of course I sacrificed and drank it.


Gno More Gnomes a colaboration between Brewski and Evil Twin Brewing.
-Pours dark amber colour, a bit chunky and hazy.
-Little to no head.
-Medium carbonation.
-Aroma of caramel and over ripe fruit.
-Flavours of caramel, alcohol and some hop bitterness.
It's a bit boozy but that's good tonight... I was hopping for it to have more of that rich maltyness that I expect from a barlywine but all in all it's a good cold weather sipper.


Black Alligator by Monyo Brewing
-Pours opaque black.
-3/4" head that slowly disapates to about 1/4".
-Medium high carbonation.
-Aroma is of spice, fruit, roasted grain and alcohol.
-Flavours are of spice, dark chocolate and a bit boozy.
I don't think I've had many black saisons. This is an interesting one not as much roasty character as youd expect for a beer this dark. It's quite tasty and definitely a cold weather sipper.


Molotov, Birificio Del Ducato
-Pours a hazy straw colour.
-Very little head with a thin ring that hangs around.
-Medium carbonation.
-Aroma is spicy and herbaceous.
-Flavour is Belgian in character with some spicyness and vegetal qualities.
The label states they use wasabi but to be honest I've never had wasabi before. But it definitely has some spicy qualities. It's quite tasty overall. With a name like Molotov I expected quite a bit more heat.


Shepherd's Watch by World Top Yorkshire Brewery
-Pours a dark red/brown.
-Little to no head.
-A small light ring hangs around.
-Medium light carbonation.
-Aroma is of roasted malt.
-Flavour is smooth and roasty.
I like this one just the right style for the season. For a strong dark ale It's very drinkable. Nice smooth finish. Like many of these advent calendar beers I wish I had more than just one...