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Started by shazapple, February 15, 2016, 04:27:45 PM

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Looking to grow some of my own hops, thinking of going for 5 or 6 Centennial or Cascade plants. Any recommendations on spots to buy from? Looking through old posts I came across these guys http://www.crannogales.com/collections/hops-rhizomes

Two Wheeler

I've heard Scott's has cascade but can't confirm that. I'd also like to grow some hops this summer
Jordan Harris


Several people in the club have cascade, that's where I got mine from.


If you're looking for Cascade rhizomes I can definitely hook you up this spring.  :cheers:


I get mine from a guy in BC via the Canadian Brewing Forum.

Have 2 Chinook, 1 Fuggles and 1 Golding that are going on to 3rd yr plants. 2 Mt. Hood didn't survive the first winter, and the Cascade and Centennial I got last year sat in the fridge too long due to our long ass winter (April 1st, still 6ft of snow in my back yard)

This year, going to try it again with 2 Cent, and 2 Cascade on the way, and possibly a Columbus.

Chinook, Fuggles and Golding will be going in the ground this year (been growing them in 5gal pails for the last 2 yrs). 2nd yr plant and I got about an ounce and a half off of the 2 Chinook plants combined, and about an ounce combined of the Fuggles and Golding. Likely not ready to have rhizomes cut from them this year, come spring of 2017 they should be ready, however clippings to make clones could be arranged in the spring once I have them out. Won't get you any cones for 2016, but it is a start. Might clone the Chinook. I did last year and they started growing in the glass with water, but left them too long.


Thanks Roger, that would be great! Sounds like the plants have done well in our climate.

Maybe I'll hold off on getting centennial until later in the spring, or I wonder if I could start them a bit early in a greenhouse.


Remind me in a few weeks so don't forget about ya.
I can't see why you couldn't start them in a green house as long as it's warm enough you should be good. But if it were me I'd just wait a few weeks and get it all done at the same time.


  Is it possible to grow most varieties of hops here in NB or is it necessary to choose hardy varieties?  Planted hops several times years ago and they never overwintered.


Our area is cold and wet, so the varieties that require more heat or have poor mildew resistance won't do well. If they didn't survive the winter they may not of had good growing conditions (too wet, not enough sun, etc).


Haven't grown them in a green house, but have in the house in a window. So long as the green house is warm enough, you shouldn't have a problem. They will grow fast though. Biggest danger is pinching the bine when transferring it outside.

As far as growing them here. Our latitude is the same as Yakima valley where most of the hops in the US are grown.


Maritime Hop Growers Association sell rhizomes, check them out on Facebook.  They have quite the variety and reasonable pricing. Had good luck with them and they are local.

Why brew beer that I can buy?


Like to support local, will check them out


I have an order in for 6 centennial plants from Bramble Hill Farm down in NS, I think they are part of that association. I didn't realize the association sold rhizomes, I'll have to see what else they might have though, thanks!


In reply to the survival rate,
We have successfully overwintered:

Not sure how spring is going to be this year, so much depends on the bees, but we might have some of all of those available.
If not as Rhizomes, definitely as clippings that can be rooted.

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I'm on Step 1 - I've admitted I have a problem...and if you're reading this, so do you!

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Visiting Taps:
Travelling: Vienna Pale @ RB's; NB55 @ Fakr's
Recent Visitors: CMC Graham Cracker Brown, Fakr's Warrior AGDTDiPA; Brew's SNPA; Brew's C^3, Fakr's Stout
In the BH's: 1. Empty 2. WW, STILL! 3. Empty
Aging: Lots and Lots of Mead for Samples


I'd love to start some rhizoms this spring, thinking Centennial, Cascade, maybe Chinook. If there are any extras, I'd take some. If not, i'll order some.