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What's Brewing?

Started by Two Wheeler, August 28, 2015, 02:20:49 PM

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Brewing a double IPA with citra and mosaic. Going to dry hop at a ratio of 1.5oz/gallon


Quote from: blisster on October 12, 2015, 11:06:14 AM
Made a 10 gal batch of white IPA, split in half and added cold steeped dark grain wort to 2nd half to turn into a black IPA.

So it's like a backwards Michlael Jackson IPA: noskcaJ leahciM IPA  :banana:
That's a great method to get two entirely different beer a from a split batch. I may have to steal that idea.


I made a 10 gal batch of sour today.  2 gal was diverted and is fermenting on 3864 (Unibroue) and the Solera IIPA BRETT dregs from that "magic marker" failure that turned into something beautiful. The other 8 gal is in my demijohn with 3864 (Unibroue), Brett L, Lacto and the Mash Occur 15 sour mix.  shit son!
on tap: IPA
fermenting: Roseway Red, Rye IPA, Tripel, Flanders Red, Sour #1
Cellar: Roseway Red, IPA, Brett IPA, Orval Clone, Brett Red, Rye IPA, Grapefruit PA


5 gallons of a Victory Prima Pils clone. Brewed with a German Ale yeast


Today I made some "Pierreier"... Carbonated peach flavored water on tap for my wife.

But it's only for a couple weeks until my brewing catches up to my taps.  :banana:
Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


Bottled my dry hopped berliner weisse. Also dry hopped a 2gal batch of a saison aging on grapes and brett with some Nelson.


Brewed a big malty barleywine earlier this week. Today I'm kegging a hoppy american pale ale.  And I will also start working on my new kegerator  :rock:


That saison sounds amazing Rob! Where did you get the inspiration for that?


Quote from: feldmann on October 17, 2015, 04:21:06 PM
That saison sounds amazing Rob! Where did you get the inspiration for that?
The grape and brett was inspired by Midnight Brett from Allagash. I love Nelson in a saison. So I'm hoping it's a good combination. Otherwise it has the potential to be a freak show. I'll be bottling next week.


Brewing a test batch of my dark saison for the exchange. Though I'm taking 2 gallons from this batch to age on cranberries and brett.

Two Wheeler

I just mashed in a dry stout. Haven't brewed in about 2 months, need to crank some out the next few weekends
Jordan Harris


Just did a 15 gal harvest extract PA. One to go after I'm all done with extract. Plenty of malt waiting to be mashed in my basement. Did one 5 gal with US-05, one with Belle Saison and one with Munich slurry. So Belgian PA, German PA and American PA. So easy LOL!


Last friday I brewed 15 gal of a semi-hoppy saison using sorachi ace and motueka.  Split 3 ways using YB wallonian, WY3726 and WLP566.  Tonight I'm kegging an APA and will prep the grist of the winter warmer for the 12 beers of Christmas


Brewed up a "Java Moose" Porter, although I used beans that I got in Lunenburg a couple weeks ago.


Took about a third of my dark saison and transferred it onto local cranberries and brett B. The other two thirds I added the first dry hop addition to.