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Edible Tree Sap

Started by Cuba, April 16, 2015, 01:37:51 PM

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I went into the woods yesterday and tapped a couple birch trees just for fun. It got me thinking what other trees can be tapped for edible sap? Did some quick research and this is what I found:


Also, attached is a table from a peer-reviewed article from Europe. It has a list of trees (Latin names) that are used for their sap, what it is used for and what countries use it. If anyone wants the whole article let me know; it was too big to attach here on the forum.

Here is a quick run down of English translation of genus names to make it a bit easier:

Acer - Maple
Betula - Birch
Pinus - Pine
Picea - Spruce
Sorbus - Mountain Ash
Tilia - Linden/Basswood
Fraxinus - Ash
Fagus - Beech
Prunus - Cherry
Carpinus - Hornbeam
Abies - Fir
Populus - Poplar
Salix - Willow
Vitis - Grape
Ulmus - Elm
Quercus - Oak
Juglans - Walnut

* Disclaimer - I'm not saying go find any of these tree's species around here and tap into it. I am not responsible for what ever happens to you out there; DO RESEARCH ON SPECIFIC SPECIES! As I said earlier this is a article from Europe, they have different species!


That's cool thanks for that @Cuba
The birch trees I tapped have started running like mad. I'm getting 5+ gallons a day now. Lots of work lugging pails of sap out of the woods 2 trips a day about 1 km each way on snowshoes in sloppy melting snow.  :frazzled:
Good exercise though!


Its good for you and it'll make good beer too!

Did you tap any maples this year? That beer I tried at Jakes place at one of the recent meetings was excellent.


No I didn't have time to do any maples. But I might try the same recipe with the birch sap. I've got an excesses of sap now so I need to figure out some different recipes or make some syrup.


Hi, I did 2 batch of maple sap, hummm I will take to the next meeting.



My brewing partner is planning to brew an Irish red using maple sap tonight. He was planning to collect the sap from trees I have tapped, I'm not sure  if the sap is still running though. If so I'll bring some to the next meeting I attend.

Still no decent beer over here, but the wine is a fair substitute


I decided to tap a maple on Saturday but today I checked it and there was about half a liter so maple is very slow right but quite flavourful. I had to pull my birch taps this afternoon because I had way too much. I couldn't keep up with it. In all I've collected about 40+ gallons of sap. I've made 2, 10 gallon batches and I'm brewing the last one tomorrow. With the leftover sap I'll likely make some wine. It's also quite good just to drink on its own.