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Ales Open 2015

Started by mcgster, April 09, 2015, 02:13:28 PM

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Just wondering if anyone else from NB sent some entries to this?

I sent a few off and am waiting anxiously to see the results!

Two Wheeler

I was planning on it, but then lost track of the time and it was too late.

What categories did you enter?
Jordan Harris


Ah thats too bad!

I sent in a remake of my American IPA: Lupulus Interruptus with a different dry hop regime (cascade, citra and simcoe) and a remake of my ordinary bitter (The Bitter End - from way back to the 2013 NB comp).

I also did a few new styles, a saison, an oktoberfest, a lite american lager and a scottish export 80 which i had brewed for railcar and never sent.

I had a week off at christmas time so i brewed 5 batches of beer in hopes of them being ready for this competition, the oktoberfest and american lager were slow ones so i wanted to get them in the pipeline early


I sent in my 'Riley Reid's Choice Stout' that placed 3rd at Cowtown, and my Canadian Loyalist ESB (maple ESB as a Cat23 beer), a second iteration of the beer which placed first in the Beaus Oktoberfest event (although this one needed some more time for the maple flavour to fade).

I see they are getting lots of press:

I'm still DYING waiting for my score sheets to come back from Cowtown and WertContest...
@DeMerch 2 - @Two Wheeler 1


Same here!

In cowtown my ordinary bitter took 3rd and the IPA took gold at Werthogs but i haven't seen the score sheets from either yet.

The IPA that i sent in to Werthogs is a new batch of the same, but tweaked, recipe. I think the new dryhop improves the flavor by giving it a bit more depth but the judges will be the judge of that lol.


Results were posted last night, looks like my lagers did well but i didn't place in any of the other styles. I can't wait to see the scoresheets.



Cool man. Congrats! - you should bring some beer up to Fredericton at some point to a meeting!
President of the NBCBA


I would love to, i'm in St. John's NL for school right now so all of my  beer is on the rock. I'm back in July for 8 weeks and i'll be ferrying whatever i have left back with me. If you guys are having any July / August meetings i'll have to try and make it up to one.