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Brewing Book Recommendation

Started by robcoombs, January 02, 2015, 09:25:33 AM

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I've read how to brew by Palmer. But I'd like to read something else. My efficiency problems seem to be creeping back in depsite not changing anything in my process. Does anyone have any other suggestions for books that they found helpful?


I don't think there's a book out there that will help you with your efficiency.  What's your average %? 

but if you want a good read I suggest Wild Brews since your getting into sours now ;)  and IPA by Mitch Steele is a solid one too


I'll pm you @jamie_savoie and thanks for the book recommendation.


I got The Brewer's Tale by William Bostwick for Christmas (2 copies actually) and I'm really enjoying it.  Not at all a How To book, but very good reading.
on tap: IPA
fermenting: Roseway Red, Rye IPA, Tripel, Flanders Red, Sour #1
Cellar: Roseway Red, IPA, Brett IPA, Orval Clone, Brett Red, Rye IPA, Grapefruit PA