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Members of Barleyment / Beau's Homebrew Comp (September)

Started by Two Wheeler, June 26, 2014, 12:23:46 AM

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Two Wheeler

Hey everyone,

My buddy @DeMerch recently started homebrewing, and since we're competitive with each other, we've decided that we're both going to enter some beer into a competition and see how we score in a friendly battle. I found this competition for the fall that I think we're going to submit for. http://mob-competitions.tumblr.com/

We're both shooting to compete in 8C. Extra Special/Strong Bitter (English Pale Ale), and I'd like to put in a couple other style entries in just for the feedback.

Anyone else interested in joining in? Even if you don't brew an ESB we can split shipping and logistics, and I think it would be fun.

Jordan Harris


Might be interested in entering something, Will keep you posted


Brewing an ESB us next in the que for me. I may enter. If it turns out well.



I might enter something. Any word yet on how many bottles we need to sacrifice. Also if its illegal for me to take home brew from home to point B how is it legal to send a bunch of bottles to Ontario?


Hey Fellas. Awesome that you guys are interested in competing in our competition! I'm the competition director of that and would be happy to answer any questions you have. Below is the most recent announcement. We're still working out all the details, but the most important one (entry deadline) is September 12, so start brewing! We're trying to get over 300 entries this year and would love to have entries from your club.


Alex Sheftel, Homebrewer
Members of Barleyment

The Members of Barleyment are pleased to announce the 2014 edition of the annual MoB & Beau's Oktoberfest Homebrew Competition!

The grand prize winner will get to brew their own recipe at Beau's All Natural Brewing Company. Additional prizes include brewing ingredients and other goodies from Hops Direct, Toronto Brewing, Hopdawgs, Defalco's, Mout International, and White Labs will be offered up by other brewery and homebrew suppliers! In addition, handsome MoB medals will be given to all brewers who place in each flight. Stay tuned for further prize details!

As with last year, we plan to have our competition included in the Brewer of the Year (http://www.breweroftheyear.com/) competition!

This event is 2 competitions in 1!
The first is a BJCP-sanctioned competition:
§  All beer categories in the 2008 BJCP Style Guidelines will be accepted (Categories 1-23).
§  As with last year, we will have a category 99 – Black IPA option (please see the style description below).
§  Each brewer can submit a maximum of one entry per subcategory.

The second is a People's Choice competition:
§  Attendees of Beau's Oktoberfest 2014 will take part in judging your homebrew!
§  The People's Choice Judging promotes beer literacy by getting non-homebrewers to judge competition-worthy homebrew and consult the BJCP guidelines.
§  Every entrant will be required to submit at least one entry (two bottles) into the People's Choice competition.
Entry Deadline is Friday, September 12, 2014.

Stay tuned! More details to follow.

Category 99 – Black IPA
Aroma: A prominent to intense hop aroma with a citrusy, floral, perfume-like, resinous, piney, and/or fruity character derived from American hops. Many versions are dry hopped and can have an additional grassy aroma, although this is not required. Some clean malty sweetness may be found in the background and can include dark malt character such as chocolate, mocha, or coffee that do not overshadow the hops. Fruitiness, either from esters or hops, may also be detected in some versions, although a neutral fermentation character is also acceptable. Some alcohol may be noted.
Appearance: Color ranges from dark brown to opaque black. Should be clear, although unfiltered dry-hopped versions may be a bit hazy. Good head stand with off-white to ruddy light brown color should persist.
Flavor: Hop flavor is medium to high, and generally reflects an American hop character with citrusy, floral, resinous, piney or fruity aspects, though tropical fruit hops character may also be present. Medium-high to very high hop bitterness, although the malt backbone will support the strong hop character and provide the best balance. Malt flavor should be low to medium, with subtle to moderate coffee, mocha, and/or chocolate undertones. Strong roastiness and roasted barley bitterness are inappropriate. No diacetyl. Low fruitiness is acceptable but not required. The bitterness may linger into the aftertaste but should not be harsh. Medium to dry finish. Some clean alcohol flavor can be noted in stronger versions. Oak is inappropriate in this style.
Mouthfeel: Smooth, medium-light to medium-bodied mouthfeel without hop- or malt-derived astringency, although moderate to medium-high carbonation can combine to render an overall dry sensation in the presence of malt sweetness. Some smooth alcohol warming can be sensed in stronger (but not all) versions. Body is generally more than non-Black counterparts.
Overall Impression: A decidedly hoppy and bitter, moderately strong American pale ale with a dark specialty malt character akin to Schwarzbier.
History: A dark version of the American IPA originally conceived by the late Greg Noonan.
Ingredients: Pale ale malt (well-modified and suitable for single-temperature infusion mashing), dehusked dark specialty malt; American, New Zealand, and/or Australian hops; American yeast that can give a clean or slightly fruity profile. Generally all-malt, but mashed at lower temperatures for high attenuation. Water character varies from soft to moderately sulfate.
Commercial examples: Vermont Pub Blackwatch IPA, Alchemist El Jefe, Stone Sublimely Self Righteous, Hill Farmstead James, Flying Monkeys Netherworld, New Glarus Black Top.
Vital statistics: Original Gravity (ºPlato) 1.056-1.075 (14-18.2º); Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (ºPlato) 1.012-1.018 (3-4.5º); Alcohol by Volume 6 -7.5%; IBU 50-70; Color SRM (EBC) 35+ (70+ EBC)

Two Wheeler

Quote from: Roger on June 26, 2014, 09:34:02 AM
I might enter something. Any word yet on how many bottles we need to sacrifice. Also if its illegal for me to take home brew from home to point B how is it legal to send a bunch of bottles to Ontario?


It's alright to ship alcohol with certain restrictions, maybe not Homebrew technically, but I'm willing to stick my name on the package.
Jordan Harris


Two Wheeler

Hey folks, here's some more details on this competition. http://comp.barleyment.ca/entry

I'm planning to send a package after the long weekend, so anyone that wants to split shipping, feel free to join in. Maybe the Aug 30 meeting would be a good opportunity to connect.
Jordan Harris


I'm going to have a couple entries for this. So before you send anything off make sure we connect.
President of the NBCBA


Quote from: Jake on August 22, 2014, 09:37:50 AM
I'm going to have a couple entries for this. So before you send anything off make sure we connect.

Hopefully same here


Mine won't be finished for this - not till later October - wish I could put it in. Good luck guys hope one of you wins this!
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now

Two Wheeler

Sounds good gentlemen, I'll be sure to talk to you.

Also - just noticed my sam adams bottles aren't going to work, as raised lettering is prohibited. I think I'm going to try and delable some picaroons bottles, although it seems they put those on with aircraft grade epoxy
Jordan Harris


Muskoka bottles are easy peasy. Just three stickers to take off... not sure if there is raised lettering, but don't remember any