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Brewers workshop

Started by Waterlogged, October 07, 2013, 02:30:43 PM

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That is great.  Are they planning on making this a yearly event?  I would really like to have gone but after last weeks mash occur and the previous weekends kegger up river this weekend was a no go. 
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air


Quote from: JohnQ on November 03, 2013, 01:00:58 PM
Just so long as you keep this in mind...you already make F'ing awesome beer...sometimes scientists like to complicate the simple things.

Although it's cool to know what's going on behind the magic, when you already have the magic, don't lose it trying to find it.

Wow, thanks for the kind comments and advice John

You right though, we tend to overthink or complicate things sometimes.  It's just that I had a talk with eric, one of the chemists and he was asking me if I had problems with my water because they had problems with theirs.  We have the same water source and to tell the truth, I do absolutely nothing to my water.  I know we have a water high in carbon with a pH of around 7.8-8.0.  The only adjustment I do is for pH is I use acid malt.  What they do now is they get their water at a natural source here not far (which is nice to know) and they adjust with additives.
For the style of beers I usually brew my water is fine (I guess) but I see it as there's always room for improvement.  For my next couple of brews I plan on using that source water out of curiosity and see if I taste a difference.  I also plan on purchasing the new water book by John Palmer before starting to play around with additives.  Maybe some style of beers would benefit with water adjustment

Chris Craig

It's the same with me.  I have hard water, and it lends itself well to hoppy beers.  Although, I have taken steps to look at my water.  I bought a digital pH meter, and I bought the Water book.  I want to understand what's going on so that I can make small adjustments to suit the beer I like to brew.

And...you do make kick-ass beer!


Sounds like a great workshop...  Will they be offering this again?
Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.


Quote from: Chris Craig on November 03, 2013, 04:25:54 PM
It's the same with me.  I have hard water, and it lends itself well to hoppy beers.  Although, I have taken steps to look at my water.  I bought a digital pH meter, and I bought the Water book.  I want to understand what's going on so that I can make small adjustments to suit the beer I like to brew.

And...you do make kick-ass beer!
We're pretty much in the same boat. I also have a pH meter but I've only used it with sours but now I will try to monitor the pH for all my beers.  I'll try that water source too, most likely it's the same type of water I have but with no chemicals so I can't go wrong
And you make awesome beer as well! Your esb was a huge hit here and I plan on brewing your recipe in the near future but with bramling cross hops instead

blister: I'm probably sure they will make other workshops, by the way they sounded anyway. It was a first and a testing of the water but the response was great and everybody (29 attendees) enjoyed it.  They were also open to private workshops when I asked if they willing to teach how to isolate and plate yeasts.
