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Boxing Rock Black Box Challenge

Started by feldmann, January 14, 2016, 04:08:09 PM

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So how about this we do a 1,2,3,4 challenge. 1 yeast, 2 base grain, 3 specialty malts, 4 hops. I suggest (1) yeast US-05, (2) base grain 2 row and wheat, (3) Munich, Cristal 40 and something dark like chocolate or black barley and (4) Cascade, Goldings, Chinook, Columbus.
You can choose whatever you want from either selection but you must use the ingredients from the list in as much or little as you want. Either we leave the style to the Brewer and do a best of show or pick a style and judge from that style. My preference would be the latter but I'm open to suggestions...

EDIT: I agree with @Jake about the hops we should put a cap on hop quantity.

Two Wheeler

I think we are going to have to do a royal rumble style fight to come up with a firm plan for this. Jake may be the club expert on this
Jordan Harris


I think we all have good ideas for a challenge. Maybe it would be nice to pick the best ideas and plan to have 3-4 different competitions during 2016.

I won't be at the meeting this weekend, but I'm in for any challenge you guys decide.


We could always have a vote after narrowing it down to a few ideas.


President of the NBCBA