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Garrison 2015 Brew-Off

Started by Waterlogged, October 02, 2014, 10:45:17 AM

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From : http://atlanticcanadabeerblog.wordpress.com/2014/09/12/friday-wrap-up-20140912/

"Also, for our homebrewing readers, they have announced the style for the 2015 Home Brew-Off Challenge, 12B Robust Porter. With the competition judging not taking place until Spring, that gives you plenty of time to do some test batches."
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air

Two Wheeler

I'm going to take a stab at this for sure. Not many commercial examples around here... I see the ale house has Fuller's Porter, and Propeller London style porter but they fall into 12A - brown porter I believe.
Jordan Harris


If I can get my efficiency problem figured out I'll enter.


Last year was a blast, or should I say this past March! I've been planning a robust porter for awhile, just for me to drink though as nice winter beer to go along with my Imperial Stout. If it turns out well I may enter it. More people that enter the cheaper it would be to travel down as a group for the gala. They had all the taps opened up, Roger and I got completely hammered, or I did anyway.  :chug:


I'm going to give it a shot, never made a porter before so I'm excited to give it a try!

Two Wheeler

Starting to think of the recipe for this one, and I realize the BJCP guidelines are a bit annoying. http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style12.php#1b


QuoteHop aroma low to high (US or UK varieties). Some American versions may be dry-hopped.

Hop flavor can vary from low to moderately high (US or UK varieties, typically)

May or may not have a strong hop character, and may or may not have significant fermentation by-products; thus may seem to have an "American" or "English" character.

Ale yeast can either be clean US versions or characterful English varieties.

You could have two very different beers in this category, and it's going to be very subjective based on the judge's preference. It would be nice for a little more guidance on this, but I'm thinking the american style will likely score higher.
Jordan Harris


Quote from: Two Wheeler on October 28, 2014, 10:57:32 AM
Starting to think of the recipe for this one, and I realize the BJCP guidelines are a bit annoying. http://www.bjcp.org/2008styles/style12.php#1b


QuoteHop aroma low to high (US or UK varieties). Some American versions may be dry-hopped.

Hop flavor can vary from low to moderately high (US or UK varieties, typically)

May or may not have a strong hop character, and may or may not have significant fermentation by-products; thus may seem to have an "American" or "English" character.

Ale yeast can either be clean US versions or characterful English varieties.

You could have two very different beers in this category, and it's going to be very subjective based on the judge's preference. It would be nice for a little more guidance on this, but I'm thinking the american style will likely score higher.

Definitely seems very subjective. I too would love to see a little more clarification on what they're looking for. Even to narrow it to US vs UK


Your best bet is to do one within the guidelines that you like and your proud of. Worst case scenario you'll have a batch of beer you enjoy.   :cheers:
But your right it is annoying!


When you get your scorecard from the judges, you are going to ask yourself if any of the judges have even ever tried a craft beer in their life. There comments will be all over the board, and most likely not even make much sense. But the gala party is totally worth it!

Two Wheeler

Quote from: Roger on October 28, 2014, 12:56:44 PM
Your best bet is to do one within the guidelines that you like and your proud of. Worst case scenario you'll have a batch of beer you enjoy.   :cheers:
But your right it is annoying!

Haha, yeah that's where I'm torn. I think the english interpretation would be my preference, but I feel like judges would favour the hoppy american interpretation better. And I'd likely enjoy both myself.

I don't know... I think I'm leaning english right now
Jordan Harris


I'm going to do US. Just because I've brewed that style recently.

Two Wheeler

Just a reminder for anyone that was doing this... entries have to be submitted tomorrow.

I went through a bit of hassle this week. I called Noble Grape on Monday to confirm that they were accepting entries in Fredericton and they said they were, but that they had to be there end of day Monday in order to make it on time. I went home after work like a mad man, bottled up my beer and made it to the store at 5:55 but they had already shipped.  :shakes:

I was talking to the folks at Garrison asking about shipping directly to them, and they let me know that there was some confusion, and NG in Fredericton is accepting entries until Tomorrow, the 12th.

I know @roger has entered... anyone else?
Jordan Harris


I has the same issue when dropping off Al's entry yesterday, they wouldn't accept it saying they had no way of getting it to Garrison before the 12th.

Al made a few phone calls and there was some confusion somewhere that was cleared up.. Noble Grape are still accepting entries until tomorrow. They won't be in at Garrison until after the deadline but Garrison are aware.

I didn't enter, I tried Roger's and Al's and figured my chances weren't good, lol.

I'll take part in the Railcar Scottish export one.

Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.