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7.9 Gallon Fermenter Bucket

Started by brynn, January 20, 2014, 09:51:08 PM

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Anyone know a local source for a 7.9 gallon primary fermenter like this one


Two Saints Brewing
Planning: Chocolate Maple Smoked Porter
Primary: India Black Ale, Cider, More Cider
Bottle conditioning: 11.3% Winter Warmer
Drinking: SMaSH Express Pale Ale, Sandrino's Best Bitter Colabo w/Hop tea @ Kegging

Chris Craig

That's a standard 30L bucket. You can get them at any wine store. Scoop & Save sells them a bit cheaper.


I use a slightly transparent version of that bucket for most of my measuring (plastic handles on the side instead of a wire handle) - I think I paid $14 or so for mine at Wine Kitz...
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


Thanks, I had a look the other day and they're $20 @ scoop and save. Only place I could find em
Two Saints Brewing
Planning: Chocolate Maple Smoked Porter
Primary: India Black Ale, Cider, More Cider
Bottle conditioning: 11.3% Winter Warmer
Drinking: SMaSH Express Pale Ale, Sandrino's Best Bitter Colabo w/Hop tea @ Kegging

Chris Craig

That's a decent price.  Do you normally ferment in plastic?


I go back and forth depending on whats available.  I only have 1 3 gallon and 1 5 gallon glass carboy. Im trying to narrow in on a 7.5 gallon fermentation system when I move to my 10 gallon BIAB pot in the spring. Im thinking I may split between the 5 & 3 to experiment with differwnt yeasts and other additions. Thoughts?
Two Saints Brewing
Planning: Chocolate Maple Smoked Porter
Primary: India Black Ale, Cider, More Cider
Bottle conditioning: 11.3% Winter Warmer
Drinking: SMaSH Express Pale Ale, Sandrino's Best Bitter Colabo w/Hop tea @ Kegging

Chris Craig

You might want to think about standardization if you're trying to get 10 gallons out of a single batch.


brew has done this with good results.  He got 3 full kegs from a 10 gallon batch.


Im drinkin some right now and have 15g in the secondary dry hopping. For a standard house pale its definitely the way to go...
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


Ill definitely give this a go for the next round of pale ale that I do. Seems to make sense. Would you need to use RO or distilled ?
Two Saints Brewing
Planning: Chocolate Maple Smoked Porter
Primary: India Black Ale, Cider, More Cider
Bottle conditioning: 11.3% Winter Warmer
Drinking: SMaSH Express Pale Ale, Sandrino's Best Bitter Colabo w/Hop tea @ Kegging


Actually ive just added an extra 15L of regular water to the wort out of the chiller after the boil. .. turned out great so far...
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now

Chris Craig

When I start brewing again in March, I'm going to run my house pale ale like this.  It's been 3 months since I brewed my last batch.  I just tapped my last keg.  I have 4 on tap right now, but I expect to kick at least 2 of them shortly.