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Mash Occur - Big Brew Day

Started by Chris Craig, October 12, 2013, 07:47:24 PM

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Chris Craig

We've sort of made a tradition over the last couple of years where the members of NBCBA get together twice a year at JohnQ's place and have a big brew day called a Mash Occur.  The name is a play on words from St. Patrick's Day Massacre because our first one was the weekend of St. Patrick's Day.

Anyway, anywhere from 4-6 of the members bring their gear and brew on JQ's sprawling deck, and then we have a meeting afterward.  It's a great time, and we usually have about 20 members show up. I thought this year, in light of the NB Home-Brew Challenge, and the new forum members we have, I'd post an invitation to all of you to come out and see what you're missing.

This is on October 26th, and the day starts around 8am, and the meeting at 2pm.  If you're not a member, and you'd like to check it out, please PM JohnQ for directions.  If you want to brew, let him know.  We only have so much space for that.