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Started by brew, March 13, 2017, 09:55:20 PM

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NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now



Sweet I'll check in with u tomorrow!
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


I've never used the stuff before. My last brew had a high OG which ended up with a lot of krausen coming out my air lock.

I plan on brewing another high gravity beer this week so I ent out looking for fermcap s. I couldn't find any but I found this stuff at noble grape:


Anyone used this? All the info I can find is that it is silicone based and made in NZ. Would you use this in your beer if you didn't have fermcap?


I've never heard of that stuff before but it looks like it's meant to do the same thing.


I have used that stuff with good results use less than it calls for on the bottle a few drops will work


I use fermcap for all my starters and it works well.

Sent from my SM-G935W8 using Tapatalk


Well tried it on my IPA and I have to say it did stop the ferment from blowing over... I'm going to get some more. 1 kg fermcap S is $29 I can split with anyone who wants some...
NBCBA Treasurer
Planned: Drink beer later, Primary: Drink beer soon, Secondary: Drink beer shortly, Kegged: Drinking beer now


Awesome, thanks guys. I'll try it out on my brew today.


 I thought of this while sleeping last night...

I may have though of a naturally occuring fermcap that grows in our yard for a good portion of the year. Dandelions have white  sap caused by high latex content (certain dandelion species are even grown for latex production in areas rubber trees can't survive).

Latex and silicone are fairly similar, silicone being synthetic and latex natural. So is there any reason you could pick a dandelion flower, spray with star san then squeeze a few drops into your boil or fermentor?


Interesting idea...
I'd say you have an upcoming experiment on your hands.