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Changes in Ontario

Started by Jake, April 16, 2015, 11:15:02 AM

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Looks like some changes down the pipeline for Ontario.

"Premier Kathleen Wynne has said changing how the foreign-owned Beer Store operates is an "entry point to levelling the playing field.""

"She says changes are also needed to create more convenience and fairness, especially for Ontario's craft brewers."

President of the NBCBA


Yeah, brewers around here aren't too hopeful. Sounds like the plan is basically to let grocery stores sell beer that they buy from the LCBO directly. The craft brewers are pushing to be able to open one additional storefront besides their brewery each, and be able to sell craft beer at those locations.

To me any change is a positive, but I don't think we're going to get beer boutique stores like they have in the states any time soon.
@DeMerch 2 - @Two Wheeler 1


Here's a good article on the changes from CBN @Jake : http://www.canadianbeernews.com/2015/04/16/government-of-ontario-announces-changes-to-beer-retailing-system/?hc_location=ufi . They actually sound more positive than what I had been hearing.
@DeMerch 2 - @Two Wheeler 1