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How long to let ferment?

Started by ECH, April 24, 2014, 11:15:01 PM

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OK, brewed a Hefe, brew day and start of fermentation was Sunday the 13th, so going on 12 days tomorrow (Friday) and it is still fermenting a bit....not alot mind you, was pretty vigorous for the first couple of days, (blow off tube into a bottle of water and starsan), then replaced with a regular airlock with starsan water in it.

Took off the airlock yesterday to check the gravity and it is right on the numbers.

Put the airlock back on, and it is still bubbling. Not a lot, like maybe once every 3-5mins. You can still see some bubbles on top of the beer, but obviously not like it was a week ago.

Is this safe now to bottle? Or am I just going to create some beer bombs because it is still fermenting a little bit?

If nothing else, the sample in the thief tasted pretty good. 


If the gravity is in the range you expected it to be for the final gravity, you are good to go.  A little residual activity means you have some yeast left t help carbonate.
Fermenting: Air
On Tap: Hoppy Porter
Bottled:  Air


You should be fine to bottle I'd say... anything after about 1 bubble per minute is just for clarity / conditioning. I'm no expert, but that's my .02

Chris Craig

Airlock activity isn't a real good indicator of fermentation at this point.  It's likely co2 coming out of solution.  At 2 weeks, you're pretty much guaranteed to be done fermentation.  Go ahead and bottle it up!