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International Stout Day

Started by Chris Craig, November 07, 2013, 02:36:03 PM

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Chris Craig


Quote#StoutDay will be celebrated for the third year, on Friday, November 8th.  Just like wine vineyards tell the story of the people, the weather, the land and its history, beer, too, tells a story of the land, of the people and the brewers. Having a day dedicated to a beer style really has just accelerated the excitement in the craft brew circles as more learn about the intrigue regarding its history and the variety that the craft beer industry has to offer. 


Good thing I kegged my rye stout earlier this week  8)


I'll be drinking stout all day, starting at noon!
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


I took a vacation day for this  :rock:
President of the NBCBA


Funny guys!

The closest I have is a Porter.  :-[ But dammit I'll drink as much of it as I can.  :drink:
Vanilla Porter. The vanilla was soaked in bourbon.


I will have to make do with one or two hydrometer samples of stout today as its not quite ready yet

Chris Craig

I'll see if I can finish my American Stout. It'll be fun trying!


Don't hate, but you can buy stout in liquor stores you know....doesn't have to be beer you made...just sayin...
"If God had intended for us to drink beer, He would have given us stomachs."


Got 1/3 of a keg left to kick tonite :chug:


My 7.5% oatmeal stout has been going down nicely tonight too   :drunk:
In kegs: Nothing :(
Primary: Belgian Blond, Dry Irish Stout
Planned: SNPA clone, Dunkle
