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Beersmith Hop Age calculator

Started by Chris Craig, March 15, 2014, 08:39:05 PM

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Chris Craig

I'm a big Beersmith user.  I can't believe I've never seen this before though.

Apparently, Beersmith has  a Hop Age calculator.  You tell it what variety hops you have, how old they are, and how they were stored.  It'll tell you approximately what the AA value is.

Fantastic!  My Simcoe from 2012 is almost as good as new!


Yeah, I was cheap and used some free software for awhile, but beersmith is awesome! Its well worth the money.


That's neat. The more I hear about beersmith, the more I like the sounds of it


I learned alot about brewing by just playing with beersmith.  It's not perfect needs to be tweaked to match your brewing system.  I really like the inventory management in it.  I know exactly how much of each grain/hops/yeast I have in my inventory down to the once

Well worth the 20$

Chris Craig

Quote from: jamie_savoie on March 17, 2014, 08:59:22 AM
I learned alot about brewing by just playing with beersmith.  It's not perfect needs to be tweaked to match your brewing system.  I really like the inventory management in it.  I know exactly how much of each grain/hops/yeast I have in my inventory down to the once

Well worth the 20$

I took the time today to weigh all of my grain.  203kg!  Hops are next.


I've only used beersmith for a couple recipes, and this inventory mgmt is reason enough for me to get back into using it; never knew it existed until a couple weeks ago ... I have no clue what I have for grain inventory and typically will brew with whatever is on top of the pile.

I forsee a weekend project
President of the NBCBA


Once your inventory is setup it's easy to keep it up to date.  Just click Remove from inventory when you're in the recipe and it'll remove the amount used in the recipe from the inventory

Chris Craig

Chris Craig

When I inventoried my hops, I created separate entries for each variety by year.  Ex: Cascade (2012), Cascade (2013) because of the different AA value and the age.  This will make it easier to calculate actual IBUs.