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Leftovers from Brewer's Bah on Sale, York and Prospect liqour store

Started by Waterlogged, July 18, 2013, 12:22:42 PM

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Chris Craig


After checking at noon and finding I missed out I was hella pissed.......now seeing that the brew club bought the lions share I'm now only slightly disappointed.

I love the beer pr0n by the way.

<No context>Dark and Dirty</No Context>


Great article!

On my way back from my fishing trip Friday afternoon, I went straight to the York Street agency to see what was left... Three 500ml bottles of Hell Bay English Ale and four 6-packs of King Dark Lager. That's it...

In a way I'm glad it sold so quick. This def. sends a clear message to NBL about craft brews. ;D  Somehow, I suspect the message they got was that they could charge a lot for this stuff.

Rumor has it that the Laundromat were responsible for clearing huge volumes from Moncton & York St. stores. They were talking in terms of "trucks" and "pallets".  Has anyone heard of this?  If it's true, it really stinks that businesses were allowed to buy with the intention of reselling.

Give a man a beer and he'll waste an hour, teach him how to brew beer and he'll waste a lifetime.