Hi everyone. I'm a novice brewer located in Miramichi (the last frontier without a brewery in NB). Have been brewing very inconsistently for about 2 years, but really want to put some emphasis into this hobby/preoccupation in the end of the 2017 year. I'm a huge fan of the New England style IPAs that Bissell Brothers, Trillium, and Trailway are brewing, but I also love all beer in general.
This is something I want to take far more seriously this year, which will include more equipment and studying on my part. Working on a pretty basic set up right now with an 8 gallon pot, two 10 gallon coolers that I use for my HLT and my mash tun, along with a Blichman Thermonator that I have not been able to test out yet on account of my hoome being trashed in the early spring and living in a hotel for 5 months.
My wife is very into the craft beer movement and has recently shown a greater interest in the being process. We tend to travel around NB, NS, and a lot of the United States on beercations, where we take in all that the local brewers have to offer. Recently returned from a visit to New Zealand where we were able to sample a lot of different takes on beer styles and visited a few small-ish breweries.
Hi Dan,
Welcome to the club, I have a feeling you will fit in very well here... There is ton of knowledge on the site and everyone is always ready to help with any questions you may have.
On October 21st we are having our semi annual "Mash Occur" in Fredericton where a number of us get together for a day of brewing and learning with some BBQ and a friendly club home-brewing competition. I hope you can make it or looking forward to meeting you at one of our regular club meetings soon!
Hey Dan,
Welcome! Sounds like very have very similar taste in beer. As Pierre mentioned, you should come to the mash occur on the 21st, it's a great way to meet members and talk beer.
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Sounds like a good time. Where is the meeting held?
Welcome to the club! You can find details about the Mash Occur on this thread (http://nbcba.org/forum/meeting-announcements/mash-occur-october-21st/msg41803/#new).
Here's a link that should be visible to all members- http://nbcba.org/forum/welcome-forum/mash-occur-meeting-oct-21st-welcome-to-all!/
Welcome! :cheers: