New Brunswick Craft Brewers Association

Brewing => Equipment => Topic started by: Two Wheeler on March 23, 2017, 02:03:03 PM

Title: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Two Wheeler on March 23, 2017, 02:03:03 PM
I'm making some changes to my brew system and need some advice. I'm looking to add a whirlpool port to my kettle. I have purchased a weldless bulkhead, ball valve and 90 degree elbow to install on my kettle.

I'm also making an immersion chiller, getting away from the plate chiller. I want to continue to use my pump to whirlpool and speed up the chilling.

I plan on using the greenlee punch form the club toolbox to make the hole.. any tips?

The main concern I have is height. I primarily brew 10 gal, but want to be able to brew 5 gal too. I'm planning to make the hole around the 4.5 gallon volume. Is that going to be too low for a 10 gal batch? I can't see it really making a difference, but I wanted to check.
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Roger on March 23, 2017, 06:40:37 PM
I've often thought about punching another hole in my kettle for my whirlpool but never ended up doing it. Instead I have a peice of copper tubing bent into kind of an "S" shape attached to my chiller with some copper wire. This way I can raise or lower it to whatever position I want just by loosening a pice of copper wire. Also I put a quick disconnect on the top for the pump.
But if your dead set on installing another port I'd go with the lower position just so you have the option.
I think your gonna be happy with the imersion chiller with whirlpool. I get 12 gallons down to pitch temperatures in 15min. If you want to see a picture do a search in the forum under "ribcage immersion chiller".
Also when you use the punch make sure there isn't the piece that got previously punched out. Last time I used it there was a few stuck inside the punch. They're a little difficult to remove but if you leave them inside they make a mess of the threads.
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Two Wheeler on March 23, 2017, 09:23:34 PM
Thanks Roger... I think I'm going to take the plunge and punch the hole, and will go for the lower volume.

Built the chiller tonight. Home Depot had 50' of 1/2" OD copper for $59. This thing cost less than $90 after tax.

I didn't have any issues bending the sweeping 90 degree turns, but when wrapping around the keg I somehow kinked the tube a bit. During the easy part!!!  :facepalm:

How big a deal is this, and is there any way to fix it? Or am I likely to mess it up worse?
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Roger on March 23, 2017, 10:39:57 PM
That's a bummer...
I don't know how you'd fix that without cutting out the kink and splicing a piece in like a coupler or something.
Has it affected the flow rate any?
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Two Wheeler on March 23, 2017, 11:31:06 PM
I'm missing a fitting before I can test. The pic looks bad, but I don't think it's going to be too restrictive. If it's flowing Fine I'm not going to mess with it

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Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Roger on March 24, 2017, 12:13:04 AM
Yea good plan! If it ain't broke don't fix it...
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: pliny on March 24, 2017, 09:55:01 AM
I bought this kettle:
Sure it's 15Gallons but same principle. The port is high.
How are you planning on setting up both sides? (Inside/outside)
Will you have a Ball Valve on the outside?
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Two Wheeler on March 24, 2017, 10:30:34 AM
Hey Marc,

I'm using a 15 gallon pot too, but since I do BIAB, I need all of that volume when mashing. I would have to put a ball valve on for higher or lower installations.

I ordered these two items for $24. The ball valve kit was on sale.

Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: robcoombs on March 24, 2017, 10:42:19 AM
Quote from: Two Wheeler on March 23, 2017, 11:31:06 PM
I'm missing a fitting before I can test. The pic looks bad, but I don't think it's going to be too restrictive. If it's flowing Fine I'm not going to mess with it

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I have a very slight kink like yours but mine is in the 90 bend area. I have no issues with flow whatsoever. I'm sure it's fine.

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Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: Two Wheeler on March 24, 2017, 06:32:20 PM
The kink didn't seem to slow me down at all... 11 gallons down to 64 degrees in 13:45. It got to 140 in in under 5 mins. This is at least as fast as the small plate chiller I have, possibly quicker... a lot less hassle too!

I was using a copper whirlpool arm ( to recirculate the wort. James helped me make this when I first started using the plate chiller. The whirlpool arm worked pretty good, but I'm still going to put in the port I think.
Title: Re: Whirlpool Port
Post by: robcoombs on March 25, 2017, 09:20:01 AM
Quote from: Two Wheeler on March 24, 2017, 06:32:20 PM
The kink didn't seem to slow me down at all... 11 gallons down to 64 degrees in 13:45. It got to 140 in in under 5 mins. This is at least as fast as the small plate chiller I have, possibly quicker... a lot less hassle too!

I was using a copper whirlpool arm ( to recirculate the wort. James helped me make this when I first started using the plate chiller. The whirlpool arm worked pretty good, but I'm still going to put in the port I think.
Great to hear. I do love the simplicity of an immersion chiller.

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