If anyone has any of these to spare, I'd love to buy at least:
3 kg flaked wheat
500 g rice hulls
1 pkg forbidden fruit or other wit yeast
Thank you!
I bought some forbidden fruit recently at noble grape. If you ordered today it should be in by the end of the week.
I know, but I'm impatient! And I want to get this cooking before I go to DC on Sunday.
I have all of what you're looking for but I'm 2h away lol
Haha, thanks! Let's see how desperate I get...
I have you covered on the wheat.
Rice hulls, I have never found necessary, I have a simple mesh braid in the mash tun and have made a bunch of hefe's with 50% wheat, and no stuck sparges.
yeast... there should be some in the club war chest... ask Brew if he has any WB-06. Also, ferment it below 67 degrees F, or there will be a banana-clove explosion.
Thanks Kyle, I'll ask Brew about the yeast. You're not the first to say the rice hulls aren't necessary, so I'll try without. I'll stop by tomorrow morning!
I just gave the "Belle Saison" dry yeast my first try, and the beer turned out pretty good. I think you can get it at Noble grape. Turned out decent and you can't beat the simplicity of dry yeast!
FYI we havent been carrying the WB-06 as its a very slow mover and tends to expire on us...
I also have the rice hulls and the flaked wheat...
Is there a list of yeast the club has in stock?
Ha, I JUST asked this in a pm. Yes, it's under Club orders as a sticky post.
Ah now that you mention that I do remember seeing the dry yeast supply before. Do we have any wyeast that's kept for the club or is it dry only?
There was an extensive yeast slant library maintained by the club as well, but our past technician, Thomas, had to give it up to focus on his PhD research (on yeast) and Jamie Savoie took over for us. I believe the library is still operational.
Is there a thread with an updated list of what the club has? I haven't been able to find one so far.
So we do have a yeast slant library but it has become out of date. Its being transitioned to Jamie but that is not complete yet so its not currently available. Hopefully we'll be able to get it back up and runnign soon... the dry yeast inventory is in a sticky thread in the club orders forum so check that out for 05 or 04...
I'm suppose to have my lab training real soon so hopefully I'll get something going in the fall *fingers cross*
Quote from: jamie_savoie on September 04, 2014, 08:15:41 AM
I'm suppose to have my lab training real soon so hopefully I'll get something going in the fall *fingers cross*
Looks like my training is going to be next Thursday :) :rock:
Quote from: jamie_savoie on September 05, 2014, 11:35:01 AM
Quote from: jamie_savoie on September 04, 2014, 08:15:41 AM
I'm suppose to have my lab training real soon so hopefully I'll get something going in the fall *fingers cross*
Looks like my training is going to be next Thursday :) :rock:
@jamie_savoie (http://nbcba.org/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=1182) You may have mentioned already, but where are you getting the training?
Grand-Fall's CCNB
I'll take pictures of the lab, you guys will droll seeing all the high tech equipement there!