I wanted to reduce water consumption and make cleanup easier. This is not an original idea, these are all over youtube and HBT, but I built this one yesterday:
[attachment=4:1knf3eij]ready to wash keg and autosiphon.jpg[/attachment:1knf3eij]
Basically, it's just a submersible pump (make sure to get an oil-less one). I got this one, because it is a reasonable mix of price, power, and ease of use:
http://www.homedepot.ca/product/1-6-hp- ... ump/959738 (http://www.homedepot.ca/product/1-6-hp-submersible-utility-pump/959738)
It has a 20' head and can deliver a max of 3000gph. It also has a garden hose fitting on the output. To go from that to standard 1/2" copper pipe, you need two adapters: Hose adapter 3/4" FH x1/2" FIP; and Copper adapter 1/2" C x M
That connection takes you to normal ½" copper pipe, and just put a Tee in the vertical part to allow for a connection for cleaning keg disconnects. I used a ½" to ¼" copper reducer off of the Tee with a hose clamped on. That hose leads to the top of the basin, where another Tee splits to flow for the gas and beverage lines. I used 3/16" beverage line on the gas side to choke flow and 5/16" line on the liquid side since it has to travel through a longer dip tube.
For the basin, I just used my old boil pot and a bucket lid, but a more ideal setup would involve a utility sink.
[attachment=3:1knf3eij]pump in basin.jpg[/attachment:1knf3eij]
In testing, I found that the flow speed through the keg dip tubes was slower than desired, so I bent the top of the pipe as shown in the pictures. I wasn't sure how much it would need to be constricted at the time, so I didn't put a reducer on there, but I'd say a ½" to ¼" one would work beautifully.
(Remember to use only lead-free solder, flux; and use a GFCI outlet for the pump)
To prep 5 kegs; 2 carboys; lids & auto siphon, it took a total of about 11 gallons of water:
Pre-wash (2.5 gal + 3 scoops generic oxy-clean)
Wash (3 gal + 3 scoops generic oxy)
Rinse (2.5 gal)
Sanitize (3 gal +Star San)
[attachment=1:1knf3eij]effluent from pre-wash.jpg[/attachment:1knf3eij]
[attachment=0:1knf3eij]effluent from wash.jpg[/attachment:1knf3eij]
The star san foamed a lot, but was not unmanageable. I may switch back to Iodophor though.
There is presently no heating element in the unit and I just use hot tap water, but I do plan to automate this in the future and include heat control.
Very nice Kyle!
This thing works beautifully. One note though - I forgot about that StarSan eats the oxide layer on aluminum, so there's another reason to use Iodophor or a different basin.