Be interesting to see if there's a difference here. Brewing a 9G batch, split in half, pitching both at the same time.
OG: 1.052 (13.3 brix)
Pitched at 65F. Fermenting at approx. 70F.
After 12 hours, about 1 inch of krausen on top. Both fermenters look identical. I did do a start with the 1729 pack, two 500 ml DME for a 1L starter.
After 2 days, looks pretty much the same, no real changes. Both fermenting nicely.
After 3 days the Krausen has cleared. Racked to secondary. The S-04 has fallen behind a little:
S-04: 7.5 brix or 1.015 current
1729: 6.9 brix or 1.011 current
Both smell great but not identical - this is the part I really need to learn more about / get better at, describing the taste. I guess the 1729 tastes "cleaner", but there is still a very definitive flavor I believe can be attributed to the yeast. I can't describe it. I think I like it better than the S04 though. Time will tell...
Does it have a slightly smoky/phenolic flavour? I vaguely recall reading that the scottish ale yeast will get that.
The "smokey" part I would say yes! The phenolic part, not sure, is that like a "chemical" type smell / taste? I can't really notice that, but I'm not sure...
Smoky and phenolic are a wee bit overlapping, but at extremes the phenolic flavours take on a peaty/band-aid/tcp/clove flavour.
8 days in secondary:
1728 - 7.2 brix or 1.014
S04 - 6.9 brix or 1.011
Kegged after 8 days - 30 PSI outside fridge.
So I tasted these (warm - still no room in the fridge) and I gotta say, I'm a bit disappointed in my taste buds because I can't notice a whole hell of a lot of difference... Both fantastic mind you, but so very similar. The 1728 might be a bit more complex, the 04 reminds me of a slightly heavier drink maybe... naw I dunno...
I volunteer for tasting :)
Most def! I'll be bringing some to the tasting at the meeting this Sat...