The stouts ready to swap into the keg, but I have no connector for the regulator to the keg.
Do they sell them at Noble grape?
do you have your CO2 tank
and no but I think Scoop and save may carry them not 100% but if you call Noble Grape in Halifax they can ship some up to you VIA SMT and have them same day.
Got a 5 gallon from air liquide today
If I'dve thought of it before today I'dve gotten my sister in law to bring it up with her to Mcadam tonight.
I'll check sccop and save when I go up this weekend. If noble grape in halifax has them I'll call them on monday if not.
Do you mean you're missing a gas line and a gas post QD?
Just the quick connects
I have the regulator and hose line.
scoop and save doesn't carry them your best bet is to call Noble Grape in Halifax I do have a spare Gas one you can use if you cant get one right away
where are you located?
if you're in freddy, blue ridge on the northside usually had kegging equip. They might have some left in stock, and noble in freddy might have one lying around...he's hit or miss....mostly a miss, but hey, if you're in a pinch just give him a call.
I'm in St George, but I'm heading to the in-laws in Mcadam tonight and heading into Freddy tommorow before going to Crabbe.
I'll go down the list and check places tommorow thanks guys :D
doubt it, but you going through SJ? Barley malt and vine usually stocks keg supplies...give em a call if you're headed that way??
I work in SJ but they didnt have much when I stopped in a few weeks ago for anything beer wise save some boxed wort....
if they had keg supplies they were hiding it in a corner :p
NM I just called them they have them in stock. :oops:
its been a while since i was in, but it was on the other side of the counter/cash register area.....most of the small pieces were in a parts storage thing you'd see storing nuts n bolts in a shed.....small plastic drawers. Bigger stuff was in boxes like regs. Didn't have kegs or co2 tanks...just replacement parts and the QD's n stuff...he gets all his stuff from Simgo...i was looking for some replacement parts and i emailed him, he didn't have it as he was getting low on stock, but would of put it on his next order if i wanted..he orders stuff from time to time.
Quote from: "Gil Breau"NM I just called them they have them in stock. :oops:
i posted again before seeing this response...oops :?
Quote from: "Jmac00"if you're in freddy, blue ridge on the northside usually had kegging equip.
Where's this place? Is it a general homebrew shop?
its on the northside :lol:
but seriously....its been a while since i've been over not sure if they still carry any of it...they deal with both beer and wine making...and Blue Ridge water bottles. They're prices weren't the greatest for kegging stuff...just sayin.
They're at 156 Main St. (
Quote from: "Jmac00"They're prices weren't the greatest for kegging stuff...just sayin.
And that my friends is the epitome of an understatement.
The one price I remember from my last visit was a replacement (used) corny lid at about $70...seriously, I remembered Dave mentioning he needed one and looked at it and nearly choked on the fact that I've never paid more than half of that price for a full corny (except the brand new one I bought myself as a treat a few years back)
And this is why i tell people to buy extra kegs for parts when cheap kegs come available. I've paid $15 for a pressure relief valve before. I remember last time i was over at Blue Ridge, i think they wanted something like $130 for a regulator... :roll: :roll:
Found out why I couldn't find it all last time I was there, they have a beer fridge door and they hide all the parts behind that. :D
Actually got everything I was missing in one fell swoop.